Our notable plants.


Guincho’s plant collection has long been recognised as one of Ireland’s best. The garden has appeared in numerous publications as early as 1964 and in 1979 The Heritage Gardens Committee of An Taisce (The National Trust for Ireland) undertook a major project to produce a comprehensive inventory of all the woody plants in private and public gardens with significant plant collections. ‘Trees and Shrubs Cultivated in Ireland’ was compiled by Mary Forrest and was published in 1985. Guincho along with 28 other gardens in Ireland were chosen. In 1982 the garden was added to the Northern Ireland register of gardens of outstanding historical importance.

Three plants are named after the garden, the most famous being Sambucus nigra ‘Guincho Purple’ and the Irish champion for height grows in Mrs Mackie’s Round Garden - Pseudopanax crassifolius (right). Sadly the other Irish champion grown in the garden, Banksia marginata died from a fungal disease a number of years ago.

Below is a list of some of our notable plants within the collection both herbaceous and woody.

Maytenus boaria, Chile

Pseudopanax arboreus, New Zealand

Ilex kingiana, E Himalaya/Yunnan

Calistemon salignus, SE Australia - from Lord Talbot of Malahide

Rubus deliciosus , Colorado- from Lady O’ Neill

Ageratina hidalgensis, Mexico- from Lord Talbot of Malahide

Sambucus nigra ‘Guincho Purple” - This plant was found by Mrs Mackie in the wild near Abertay in Perthshire, Scotland. It was given the RHS Award of Merit in 1977.

Lomatia ferruginea, Chile/Argentina

Euonymous lucidus, Himalaya

Pseudopanax crassifolius, New Zealand - planted 1954

Ternstroemia gymnanthera ‘Variegata’, E and SE Asia

Picea breweriana, NW California and SW Oregon

Picea smithiana, Himalaya

Lagarostrobos franklinii, Tasmania

Juniperus recurva var. coxii, Burma

Viburnum henryi, C China

Ilex crenata ‘ Mariesii’

Ligustrum japonicum ‘Rotundifolium’, Japan

Buddleja colvilei, E Himalaya

Buxus balearica, Balearic Islands and SW Spain

Magnolia obovata, Japan

Magnolia sargentiana var. robusta, W Sichuan,China

Gevuina avellana, S Chile/Argentina